[Round two] give me more of yall favorite youtubers and i will tranform them into MSM monsters
What is the meaning of this joke in english?
What do you guys think of fics using real-world events in them?
Name a straight ship in Hetalia that looks like this
What the fuck is hetalia fandom even about
Random reminder that Netherlands’ Eng Va Voiced a care bear
Question about Gutters
Minecraft’s Splash text had a stroke
Denmark is the Man behind the Slaughter(house)
Do Male hetalia fans exist
I love how spain AND France get all the Hate for being pedophiles but hungary the woman doesn't when she was justo as bad in the early comics
Me playing Jobutsu 2000 (Hopefully with commentary haha) So sorry if the audio got corrupted though, I converted it from webmp to mp4!
I justo found out about this
AUSTRIA AND HUNGARY IN WW1 RAA (feat. prussia and germany)
Where did he go ? 😓
I ain’t saying NOTHING…but wouldn’t it be absolutely insane to fandom lore if they did it wearing an Alfred cosplay?
What’s one thing you would change about Hetalia?
My Reddit Wrapped OMG
Hetalia questions #2
We’ve lost the fucking plot
Any fandoms similar to Hetalia?
QOTD: may be stupid but how did you discover Hetalia? (can be from online, Tiktok, ETC), and who were your first two favorite characters?
Reddit just had to..
Personal Encounters with VAs?
"European powers, protect your treasures"!