Name a straight ship in Hetalia that looks like this
whats your fave season? what is the most profitable one?
What’s about to happen?
A genuine question for people here- how many of you were proship right off the bat? Without ever having encountered the term or the discourse, without having engaged in fandom wars of any sort?
Okay but are you a ‘chapter by chapter’ type of girl or a ‘full work’ type of girl
Why is Rochu no longer popular in western fandom?
what do you guys chose?
Sir he just puked please don’t kiss him
What Do you Listen to While Playing Stardew Valley?
Linus w.t.f
So do a lot of yall not know that crab cake speed lasts the whole day?
We’ve lost the fucking plot
Yall are stressing too much over this album so just layback, get comfortable and listen to some early 2000s white people music
Ummm, is Linus peeping?
Voted for Trump because of his anti-LGBTQ policies, doesn't understand why his lesbian friend won't speak to him
I ain’t saying NOTHING…but wouldn’t it be absolutely insane to fandom lore if they did it wearing an Alfred cosplay?
QOTD: may be stupid but how did you discover Hetalia? (can be from online, Tiktok, ETC), and who were your first two favorite characters?
Mass suicide
Any favorite unconventional ships?
Why must I have the memory of a goldfish?
Is there a full image of this translation of Ukraine’s page from the Hetalia Collezione? Sorry to bother.
Fandom TikTok scares me
Does anyone else hate these levels...