Why does the show ignore Rarity's parents?
Name a straight ship in Hetalia that looks like this
Were there polar and cave bears, wapiti, wisents in Britain?
Who do you think will win the next fights?
If mlp characters were dogs, what breeds would they be?
Why is Rochu no longer popular in western fandom?
If you gained a magical notebook that you could use to resurrect any species by riding down its scientific name, what animals would you use this on?
What dragons from the Canon WoF Books would represent the seven deadly sins best?
Are there breeds of dogs, horses, goats, sheep, chickens in Ethiopia?
Who’s a character you think has really underrated beauty?
Would you like a Hollywood film adaptation of Hetalia?
What’s one thing you would change about Hetalia?
QOTD: Popular ship you really don't like?
Any favorite unconventional ships?
which tribe is which country in real life.
If it Wasn't for Human Activity; Could Cheetahs Have Spread to Mongolia/Russian Steppes and Become Larger and More Cold Adapted?
Anyone find it ironic the cross species relationships/ships are predator and prey in the real world?
Why can't Foeslayer, Prudence, Vigilance and Thoroughful read minds and see the future?
Fav noncanon ship?
Favorite and least favorite design?
What do you think are the beauty standards of different tribes?
Favorite brotp?