HUGE Announcement from AGuyandAGolden
How bad was adolescence for you and when did it end?
Nail salon recs?
I have no words
Share the cutest photo of your golden to celebrate Friday
Tell me your dog is on pain meds without telling me your dog is on pain meds.
COVID cycle anyone?
not happy about drying off in the mudroom
Starting the dreaded tww 🫠
Looking for a "staycation" spot for a couple with/near good indoor activities within 1.5 hours of Towson
Question? TTC CD14
First time at the vet didn’t go as planned… Turns out our baby is allergic to vaccines
What would cause this up and down post o?
Show your calm and demure golden!
10 week puppy | dog grooming | mobile grooming or do it yourself
Car sick pup
Let’s see those boopable snoots 🫵🏽
I feel like Fertility Friend is wrong here - thoughts?
Whining after first heat…HELP!
I feel like we are out. Thoughts?
is it okay to take prenatals when trying to conceive?
Bottom one is current cycle - it’s finally happening!
TWW feels like a century this time around…weirdest chart I’ve had. Hoping for good news 🤞🏽anyone else testing tomorrow??
Anyone have a really flat BBT chart end in BFP?
Do you agree with FF ovulation date? Tried to be chill about tracking this cycle but here we are, posting on reddit again 😂