You get what you pay for…
Jesse for a boy?
What was your first beanie baby?
Got her groomed and dyed
Carmen for a boy
Am I being a baby about my symptoms?
had anatomy scan and found baby has cleft lip and pallete
Tips for self induction labor ? 37 weeks pregnant
Ectopic anxiety
Couldn't decide on Eye of Sauron vs. Mouth of Venom
When are we taking maternity leave?
34 weeks pregnant and 1 cm dilated, anyone been there?
What trips did we send our husbands on this week?
Couldn't find heartbeat at 6+5, found at 7+5
What the heck is our foster?
Can we normalize putting what week you are in your post? It would be so helpful! I’m reading symptoms, what I ate today, health questions, what I weighed today, etc. and it would be so awesome to know what week whoever is posting is in!
My best guy friend ate me out
Local artist that is always recommended in Facebook groups
At how many weeks did u deliver baby for first time moms?
Can my tattoo be saved?
Did unisom help with sleep?
I don’t like pink
Rubella - negative again?