Day 2 of The BFDI Battle Royale. We had 2 eliminations yesterday! Who will be eliminated tonight?
BFDI Voting but HALF THE CONTESTANTS HAVE BEEN THANOS SNAPPED! Day 8, Shampoo has washed out of the competition! Meanwhile, Power Struggle lost their footing again. They're UFE! (VOTING SYSTEM IN THE DESCRIPTION)
BFB decided by r/BattleForDreamIsland! (Part 24, Free Food UFE) [VOTING SYSTEM IN DESCRIPTION] *Voting style updated again*
Welcome To The BFDI Battle Royale! (Explanation in the description)
Total Drama Disventure Camp Hurt Heal Day 29
With 4 votes, Jade is eliminated and is in 122nd place
TOTAL RANDOM WT EP 8, due to a tie with Dwayne, millie got eliminated, and team victory don’t get victory again !, btw they go to the border of the Koreas
Total Drama Draft Pick: Episode 38 (Sam, Alek, and Daniel are UFE) [MacArthur: 108th]
Battle For Disventure Island 18
Tierlist based on how many of them exist in the world :)) Correct me if I should change someone
Blocky IS OUT Now vote to eliminate a Squishy Cherries YET AGAIN
BFB decided by r/BattleForDreamIsland! (Part 23, A Better Name Than That UFE) [VOTING SYSTEM IN DESCRIPTION]
Say an unfair but uncommented elimination
My thoughts on if the Total Drama characters should win a future season
Battle For Disventure Island 17
TOTAL RANDOM WT EP 7, kelly got eliminated and team amazon finally lose !, btw they go to Tokyo, japan
Random Cast Island: Hook Line and Screamer. Tess wins Immunity, get voting!
Total Drama Disventure Camp Hurt Heal Day 28
With 7 votes, Jake is eliminated and is in 122nd place
Total Drama Draft Pick: Episode 37 (Sam, Justin, and Jay are UFE) [Jasmine: 109th]
Woody IS OUT HEAR Now vote to eliminate a Squishy Cherries AGAIN
Total Drama S10: DISVENTURE DRAMA! Ted has selected Richard! Who would Justin pick?
TOTAL RANDOM WT EP 6, lightning and carrie swap teams and team victory still loses even after i tripled the wheel to make it more fair, btw they go to the Taj Mahal, india
Random cast island. That's of the chain! Vote someone to be eliminated
Total Drama Draft Pick: Episode 36 (Silas, Alek, and Payton are UFE) [Ripper: 110th]