Inspired by u/decapitatedqueencard, what do you think Benedict smells like?
Question of the day (63): What is your OC’s favorite song that they know by heart?
My Question to You (13): And we have reached Taylor Swift's lucky number question! (I forgot to mention Beyonce's at 4). Anyway, speaking of TS, what's THE karaoke song for your OC? (Doesn't need to be Taylor, obviously)
Everywhere I go, I see her
Revenge of Shuffled- Courtney wons Immunity. Up, Up and Away in my Pitiful Ballon
Which character from Hazbin Hotel is the most reliable to you?
Which Total Drama Contestant fumbled the hardest???
Total Drama x Disventure Camp Ultimate Team Builder Part 19
The Sucky Outdoors, Total Vengeance Island. Lightining was sha-eliminated for being sha-talentless, losing his team their last sha-challenge. Vote for who needs to go next. Screaming Gophers have immunity this time.
“DeportMedrano”. She was born in fucking Maryland. Where she gonna go?? The Hazbin Hotel?
Total Drama S10: DISVENTURE DRAMA! Justin has selected Trent! Who would Jen pick?
Not Quite Famous, Total Vengeance Island. Dave has been eliminated for being a yapper and contributing nothing to his last team's challenge. Vote for who you want to be eliminated and provide a reason why if you so please.
What are some fun facts that probably no one knows about your OCS? I'll go first. (wont be my only post for the day.)
Question of the day (62): What is your OC’s favorite fruit?
My Question to You (12): Say a virus struck in Hell and everyone in Hell had to go through quarantine. But, your OC ends up having to be stuck with someone for at least a month. Who (either HH/HB cast or another OC) would your OC choose? And why?
You get quarantined for 1 month, which room do you stay in and why?
Question of the day (61): What is your OC’s favorite place to shop?
Switching it up! Give me you OCs and I'll tell you what nickname Axel would give them! (Read desc. for details)
Dodgebrawl, Total Vengeance Island. After eating a little too much and annoying her team way too much, Sugar has been eliminated! Provide a reason for your next choice of elimination.
Hopping on the trend, what nicknames do y'all have for Benedict (I *was* going to do a little comic about him on paper since my digital drawing skills are trash, but it can wait)
The Big Sleep, Total Vengeance Island. Dakota is capital G Gone. Provide a reason for your choice of elimination.
Albums I dislike for no particular reason
Total Drama S10: DISVENTURE DRAMA! Ted has selected Richard! Who would Justin pick?