Albums I dislike for no particular reason
Albums I dislike for no particular reason pt.2
Best albums where I don't understand a word of it (PT.2)
Best albums where I don't understand a word of it
ranking the rym top 100
I started listening to rap back in November. What albums would recommend?
How many of these records do you genuinely hate with a passion?
give me more recommendations pls!!
My top 100 of all time in order. Ask questions, insult me. Whatever. The blank space is King Crimson-ITCOTCK
Who has the best music taste from my friend group?
Top 25 albums, no order
upvote the 2 worst albums (Day 1)
my top 25 bowie albums
Day 8 - upvote the worst album (2 gone per day)
Winner of the "2 most upvoted album gets deleted. RYM top 25." Winner
Day 7 - upvote the worst album (2 gone per day)
2 most upvoted album gets deleted. RYM top 25. (Day 11) FINAL!!
Day 5 - upvote the worst album (2 gone per day)
2 most upvoted album gets deleted. RYM top 25. (Day 11)
Day 4 - upvote the worst album (2 gone per day)
2 most upvoted album gets deleted. RYM top 25. (Day 10)
"I listen to everything" ahh music taste but I need to stop
most upvoted album gets deleted - Day 1
Day 3 - upvote the worst album (2 gone per day)
2 most upvoted album gets deleted. RYM top 25. (Day 9)