Michael Proctor’s family releases statement, accuses Karen Read of maligning embattled trooper
Can someone tell me what the actual attitudes floating around are on the ground in a place like Boston
Why Are INFPs Considered… Less Than Intelligent?
Goodbye, WFH!
Can we stop recommending 2-3 tablespoons of detergent for everyload?
Thoughts on INFPs?
What are habits you've done to reduce the laundry load for your family? (Asking for a family of 5)
Made the mistake of marrying another academic…
Another juror came forward
Looking for US colleges that have an undergraduate major in materials science or materials science engineering
The "gold rush" in hiring programmers is over so what career is having or likely to soon have a gold rush this decade?
How hard mathematically is materials science engineering?
Should I reconsider my environmental science major?
What if you get picked up in a raid, but you're a citizen?
PSA: Stop Underestimating Baking Soda, It’s Basically Wizard Dust
Helllppp! I hired a new cleaning lady and it has been a nightmare
Bars of soap are superior to body wash. Using a bar of soap gets you much cleaner.
Do you have kids with red hair?
Lush Bathbomb destroyed bath by dying it pink. Tried magic eraser, baking soda + vinegar. Any other tips?
Do you feel like every application of henna improves the smoothness and overall quality of your hair or is it an effect that's only noticeable at the first application?
Around the year 1000, the Norse set up a colony in North America that lasted several generations. How did Europe then just forget about it until Columbus bumbled his way into discovery?
How do I get rid of the smell on hair??
The wonders (and horrors) of laundry stripping
Does your company restrict access to ESRI products?
Why does it feel like everything has gotten more competitive?