Discussion Thread | March 18, 2025 | Motions in Limine
Is Allie McCabe not being on the CW’s witness list a huge, enormous red flag? She’s clearly someone they are trying to protect and/or know she will mess up on the stand again LOL
Help choosing between two jobs
Interview question
Best shawarma in Van?
Another juror came forward
Another juror came forward!
Vienna & Budapest 12 night - should I split half and half or spend more time in Vienna?
City of west van job question ! Please help!
abbeys so desperate for content shes "telling" on herself
Georgia's funny ass asides: " to augment her tips: T-I-PS" referring to Katie M (obv)
The Commonwealth's Motion to Exclude the Testimony of Dr.Marie Russell is DENIED.
What’s the most “Vancouver” song?
Coffee snob heading to Vancouver next week. What are your favourite local roasteries?
Atty Mark Bederow on LYK Talks Kearney, Karen Read and The Bederow Letters
Kendall treating all victims like saints really made me annoyed in the long run
favourite rainy day eats?
June’s stories for CA’s birthday
Its not even antique…
New Charlie calls available
Mad at rashbaum
Hands down my favorite edibles ever