Toothbrush off button swole up
Phoenix John Doe (December 1, 1994)
This photo I took in December 2016 is ICONIC….
50M and 48F - Together for 8.5 years and lived together for the last three
38F and 34M, married wanting kids but virtually no sex life exists. Am I allowed to be mad?
These dresses are considered some of the worst looks is Oscars history. Thoughts?
RIP To My Favorite Vibrator
Eric harris
Lynne Marie Stewart (Mrs. Kelly) has passed away
What addiction is seen as completely normal by society?
I think RFK is using Trump's bronzer
Anything similar to BM but for older kids/teens
AIO for being mad my friend won't pay the insurance excess after crashing my car?
AIO: I cut my sister off because she refuses to take any blame for bad situation
What if every single president ran against each other?
I have Autism and I love Jenni and have and still get bullied for my hyperfixation on her
This was on our papa johns box. It looks like a weird backpack but I can’t tell.
Do you give your cat permission to be on your bed?
Why was/is Hillary Clinton so disliked?
what is that on the right
Note left on door
What grew in my son's "potion"?
The below image is of Laura Nelson and her 14yr old son, L.D, hanging from a bridge after being lynched by a mob in Oklahoma. 1911.