This was such bs lmao
Ranking ballparks until Opening Day: Which major league ballpark that will be used in 2025 is the worst?
I don’t like the STS pull rates
/r/PTCGP Trading Post
Yes but which one was your favourite ?
Any one else canceling Premium?
Time to uninstall
Hear me out… I think this was intentional.
Be honest does it look ridiculously big?
Free McDonalds Code Giveaway
Can we Block Players for doing this?
What did I miss?
Are these promo cards exclusive? Should I regret not trying to get the lapris?!
Sleep + smoke screen / celebi troll deck
MK Giveaway: WLMOUSE x MK Frozen Llama Mouse
I haven't even finished beginner step up yet
To everyone using Celebi EX decks in the event right now:
Mods, please let me have fun on r/Nationals
Are you YAY or NAY on these types of level design hints?
Where in Houston can I do this?
[Giveaway] Astros SunGod Renegades Sunglasses
Ad keeps appearing on my MacBook Pro randomly. How can I stop it?
For those that work in bars where it's appropriate... What's your favorite dirty joke to tell customers?
After a day of hard work in the heat, my girlfriend made me this wonderfull meal.
How did you get into bartending?