Is it a bad idea to kill legion members early on
Giveaway for any $70 game of your choice [Steam]
Games to play in bed, before going to sleep
A hollow victory indeed ⛳️
My Spyro reignited trilogy save file is not working
Well I finally did it, I got new Vegas and have never played a fallout game before! Any beginner tips?
After conquering Nurnen I’ve felt pretty lost on where I should go (shadow of war)
The lady at the smoke shop said..
Just found out about the post game content the shadow wars, how hard are they?
Are there multiple bard captains to dominate or just one in shadow of war?
After ring of power mission, should I level up to dominate or immediately kill captains?
By popular demand: Steam Deck - Monster Hunter Wilds: Night Fight with Rathian
No We Do Not Fox News
Weird growth on my Avocado Seed
Trump Halts Ukraine Aid
"What are you playing this week?" Megathread
What jobs require a high tolerance for getting yelled at?
Testing the effects of pure THC in 1970
How’s my profile? 1/10 I get matched decently pace wise but sometimes it takes a week or two and the people can be hit or miss. Thoughts?
Games that are similar to mad max and run well on steamdeck?
Is it not possible to Max out top speed stat?
Games similar to mad max that run well?
How did Trump's presidency impact your life so far?
Does ark farming work for ally camps on steam?
You cannot date someone to prove a point or further an agenda smh