3d printed mounting for battery chargers
Good morning my super safe crew! Got a deal today going on for the ss!🫘😏💥
First kit : Is this dried paint or flaking lubricant on buffer springs
Best super safety on the market ?
big price difference
Make a sacrifice to the AR gods. We all probably know the pin that was lost
Gun shop recommendations?
Food Stamps Apparently.
Scored a bone stock Bushmaster XM15 patrol rifle
5” 5.56 AR
22lr VZ-61 with Thompson Machine Zephyr XL suppressor
Please tell me im not crazy, Customer doesnt want a decking replacement, only "repairs"
Leftover smoked chicken thighs = chopped Caesar chicken sandwich
1.99 Pint of Florida Strawberries. No one was touching them.
Kinda ridiculous to sbr a 10/22
VTEC solenoid replacement questions
Whats y’all’s shoe size compared to your height?
(Humor) I thought hunting turkeys was hard
Hello I am new to this gun I am currently doing research on it. But I’m wondering if i got this kit and built it would it be an actual firearm? Or like a replica. Noob question.
Neighbors won’t stop driving through my yard
What have you guys used for your baffles on a suppressor
I might have a problem
Curried lentil and potato burritos
Anyone try?