Now this is the cutest shit
Taiwan Marine training “road to heaven"
There is no point in continuing if I can't be the best
Host experiences Taiwan’s terrible traffic! Cars force their way through a crosswalk, angering kids!
Do you own the national flag of your country?
Your average taxi driver in Taiwan
A van suddenly drove onto the sidewalk in Kaohsiung, injuring a Japanese woman who was visiting Taiwan
To the men who have truly been in love before, what is the craziest thing you’ve done for a girl you love?
Yesterday found a local park with outdoor gym equipment; today walked to that park to find someone's meticulously squirted sticky blue bubblegum-smelling syrup on every seat and handle.
Taiwan's population declines for 14th consecutive month
What are the stereotypes about China you dislike the most?
The admirable perseverance of this salaryman... he never gives up despites all the obstacles the world throws at him
Whoever stole my EZcard money is living in 紅樹林 and blowing it at Hi-Life
Possible live streamer gets killed during broadcast in Takadanobana
Why did Eren punch the Warhammer titan while transforming? Is he smart?
A sunny ride along the riverside near Gongguan from a few days ago. Something to brighten up the rainy day.
Typical situation in Taiwan, (New Taipei). Roads several lanes wide, on-street parking, narrow shoddy pavements obstructed by cars, scooters, and junk... made worse by bad drivers.
What is the best underrated Flag?
these are all cigarette butts.
Why Do Redditors Omit The First Word Of Their Sentences?
What’s a “cheat code” for life that more people should know about?
why do mean people get good things, and kind people get trauma.
Taiwan called 'traffic hell' by road safety group - Focus Taiwan
A 30-Foot Climb: A Footbridge Challenge in the Philippines. Hope you brought your hiking gear to cross the road!
When cursing actually work