Does anyone think about coming off medication
Resgate de valor "disponivel no CPF"
Myoclonic jerk felt like a sneeze
epileptic stuff and family
Finished QJJ vol.3
Mitrofanoff folks, help!!!
What keeps you going?
Weird epilepsy jerks
How long does it takes to read one book for yall?
mental orgasm is a common thing to SB people???
What was the first seizure you remember? And at what age?
I wish time could go backwards
I just finished reading QJJ vol.1
What Are You Reading Weekends? — March 01, 2025
New to the subreddit, y'all are amazing
Urinary Incontinence and gym
Catheter types
Tired af of SB today
I will never be the same after Cold Sands
Google Play não aceita meu pedido de reembolso
I am reading my first Danmei!!!
Super angsty, characters with tunnel vision bcs they love each other so much that nothing else matters
Squats and urinary incontinence
Every Wickedness by T.J Land.
Have you gotten your first kiss, (y/n)how old were you?