What’s the deal with ‘Beowulf can you land deadstick’?
Artwork for Album 27
Red Hagstrom 12-String on Reverb
Turn into the correct lane please.
CR-6502 Gracioso Portable Cassette Recorder/Player playing weirdly/not working. Any solutions?
I finally got my own cassette tape player!
Déjà vu
Giving one of these to anyone with an antenna at Field of Vision! Come find us!
Double the trauma
Did this rhythm they accidentally just made blow anyone else’s tits right off?
Canada Doesn’t Send Their Best
Judge him by his fans
They finally released a new song guys!
Trump is buying a Tesla. - ''Elon Musk has devoted his energy and his life to doing this and I think he has been treated very unfairly. You shouldn't be penalized for being a patriot”
Album and movie syncs
Store Opening Giveaway! 3 winners. Pick # between 1-5000
Instrument in Robot Stop
Stalkers are coming after my children and Reddit is enabling them
Can Trump read?
My balls ache to release for her
This made me giggle.
Stolen from ConferenceBrilliant1
Microtonal, not so much?
Best Vocal Performances
Only recorded tapes sound high pitched not album cassettes