Steak sammich.
Tell me about a song that's a perfect 10/10 to you
Scored this miter saw, a stand, and some cherry/walnut/oak/maple for $200.
Made a coffee table. Start to finish pictures. Learned a ton along the way!
Some would say this goes against the grain
Reconstructing stool
Third Eye Blind put the past away at Tiny Desk Concert
Looking for Easy Ways to Add Percussion to a Small Worship Team
This spatula that can't take the heat. And me, the person who never remembers that.
First attempt
I will cut this 25 ton oak at the 7th of June. Can’t explain you guys excited I am!!!
Opinions of Godin electric guitars?
Pi being irrational
What “Cancelled” musician or group hurts the most for you? I’ll go first: Crystal Castles
‘Far-reaching consequences’ for Kentucky bourbon after LCBO strips U.S. spirits off shelves
Go fund me but for ministry?
Crickets after asking a reasonable question
Is it sinful to listen to heavy metal music?
How much do you like mayo?
Oh you’re a chef, What’s your favorite cereal?
What TV series is simply a masterpiece?
Sea turtle pooping
I know it doesn't look like much compared to some of you, but after a few small projects I built a real workbench.
Talk me out of Thursday boots