All the nerds, or devs i need your help
Me with "ஞாபக மறதி".. 😭
Aishwarya sweets adress please !!!
Guys comment your favourite childhood things like this
When is the nothing phone 3 coming?
Let create fake accounts ,follow jk and delete it (per person 3 fake accounts) or follow jk from your brothers,sisters, father,mother,grandmother,grandfather, uncle,anuty,tea kadaikara Anna , etc LET’S ACHIEVE 1 MILLION TOGETHER BROSKIES
I want to be the problem
Successfully defended my PhD yesterday. I don’t use social media other than Reddit, so I don’t really have a place to put this.
Caught in the act
when you are in love
Never seen BMX trick
Does anyone remember these kinda memories from school?
Sollunga broskies😶🌫️......
We used to live a different life before that.
Man scrolls. Man stops. Man sees this. Man vibes. Man happy.
Normal conversation between 2 loosu koo🔥
Make this comment section as jk's search history 🌚
Still rocking with a Nothing Phone (1)
Aged like milk. Phone 3a and 3a Pro has a regular cable in the box and not this cool transparent one.
Nothing's unique charging cable
Which 3 characters u would make them meet in a movie ( Make it random)
How can I fix this!
Who's the female YouTuber you admire for her creativity?
Did not see that coming 😆
Weird satisfying habit that makes you go like this