any tips on getting over someone?
it’s my second cake day :D
i have this plain shirt and i wanna decorate it but i’m not sure what to do. any ideas? :)
any good songs about falling for someone who doesn’t like you back?
is it normal to be like super affectionate?
one of my friends is dating the girl i like :,,)
I tried following a bob ross painting tutorial :)
i fell for a straight girl 🥲
The ultra rich have cars, private yachts and private jets, but you never hear of anyone owning a private train.
My brother got top surgery the other day so I wanted to make him something :)) it’s a little asymmetrical but I think it looks really good considering this is my first time doing something like this and I completely free handed it :D
I tried making some fish biscuits, they ended up looking a little wonky haha
A little while ago I tried making a beanie and a bag for the first time. Here’s how they came out :)
I made a hat for the first time for one of my friend’s birthday :D
Update on a post I made a while ago
When educating your children about LGBTQ+ acceptance is somehow pedophilia, but shit like this is totally fine:
It’s my first cake day! :D
I drew kiwi! :) <3
"As a man I have higher authority and a more valued opinion than you"
She says you smell nice 🥰
Well Danny you’ve been wanting more dads in the sub and I just became one so can I count??
whats this byo band name called??
I made a playlist of 1,727 "happy" songs sorted from most to least happy by AI. Give me a number and I'll give you the song.
I embroidered the sleeve of my old jacket, I think it came out pretty well! :D
I embroidered the sleeve of my old jacket, it actually went pretty well! :D (I’m new to embroidery)
Tried embroidery for the first time yesterday! I think they came out pretty well :D