Don’t want kids because I’m Loosing independence .. thoughts
EBF, how do you know you’re pregnant?
What’s everyone’s first ideal meal once you’ve given birth?
Are those electric nose suckers really worth it?
When people ask you how long you were in labor for, how do you define it?
Wife hesitant to give 11 month old anything but mashed foods. How do I ease her anxiety?
What are some things you did or wish you did in the hospital during and after labor?
Everyone says you lose the weight after you wean or decrease in bf. Is that true and how much can once expect to lose? Ju
I need help…I hate my kitchen
Does anyone else think they eat way better now?
What's something that your baby did that made you go awww or laugh when you were breastfeeding
What do we need to know about postpartum?
What is your life like as a mom?
Baby finally started babbling at 9 months
JC Tattoos?
Babies over 6 months, if they are waking up at 7 am or later - what is their bed time and time of their last nap?
Why choose an unmedicated birth?
When did you stop working?
I feel like crap for getting rid of my animals
Feeling guilty I don’t send baby to daycare
Would you let a 10 month old sleep on a soft mattress?
Trump signs the wrong location on Canada's copy of CUSMA
Is this setup okay?
What strange things have people said to you because you nursed past 1 year?