Leaking bottles
What easily pronounced/spelled girls’ names sound obviously Jewish?
Spoke about 3 hours after meals
Labs question
Frozen breast milk
Why Is It So Common To See Red Faced Older Men, Yet Rare To See Red Faced Older Women?
Feel uncomfortable
Grandparents would rather go to quilting class than watch our toddler while I’m in labor.
Any May or June babies coming ?
This job is kinda hard
It's even worse this weekend
He’s going to cancel himself
What music did you listen to when you were in labor?
Does anyone love being a SAHP?
Daycare didn’t feed my baby all day- am I overreacting?
Is there any chance of a natural birth for me?
What’s the virus going around now?
March 1 Daily - Who has betrayed you?
Adult who doesn't hate life
What is your favorite place in RVA? The place you'd most love to share with a new significant other or someone you cared about?
What are your pre-bed snacks?
Name something you remember watching on this:
What restaurant do you refuse to eat at?