Took my kid out to shoot my custom .300 spartan
Anyone heard of American Tactical?
Question about Buffers and buffer springs
How easy is it to build a quality 300 BLK if I've never done a build before?
That does not look bad
Florida man arrested after toddlers found wandering half-naked in Walmart parking lot
Suppressor wrap overhang concerns
Chime no longer supported on Robinhood
Righty tighty lefty loosey.
Whose first introduction to Hip Hop was "Walk This Way"?
Woman taking a dump on the floor at Walmart(?)
Talking about meet me outside when she can’t fight inside
No shame
"Now Willy Wonka, Major Tom, Ali, and Leia have moved on"
Boat docks a mile across the lake @ 100X zoom
Up at the lake fishin...
why would she do this
Trashy Sephora Shoplifter gets taken down....
Isn't this true? Too bad they are not W H I T E.
I didn’t use a calculator for this…
So, what did we learn today SHIB fam? 😏
Had my first bad experience with my new S22 today
Does anyone even eat dessert at a restaurant?
What could go wrong pulling a quick U-turn?