Elon Musk
I really nailed it with this Saturn 60
Ultem keyboard I made w/ GMK MTNU Susu
I designed a 10" Mini Rack utilizing NavePoint rails
Update: Baratza Encore grind size issues
To The Snowbird I Almost Murdered Today: A Plea.
I think I've leveled up the Rocket Faustino grinder. >:) Single dose hopper and bottomless portafilter fork designs are completed.
Wiim amp is absolutely incredible
My view while snowed in
Does anyone have any explanation for what is happening here? (I'm writing an essay and thought one of you guys might know.) Context: this is in-flight disruption of LED screen on a delta flight. Thank you! :)
My MINI network RACKs are "done"
ESPN Broadcast for University of Arizona
Even smaller than a MiniLab, I call it MicroLab!
Check out my MicroLab: 5" 3D Printable homelab
What does my collection say about me?
Healed Western- American Traditional Sleeve by Mike Welchman at Pacific Avenue Tattoo in Aldersyde, Alberta
Did somebody say PoE?
A simulacrum of my 2024
Saw these Coatis at Sabino Canyon
[TOMT] [Movie] Christian film watched sometime between 2007-2013
Album Of The Year Let’s Go!
What I call the meat box.
Canyon Grizl 7– worth it?
@timxchurch full front
Use your old laptop as a home server they said. Don't worry it'll be great they said.