Officer Freaks Out
Friendly Tire
Chase ends in a head-on
Police Pursuit Ends Horribly
TIL that different Islamic texts state that women well make up the majority of the people in hell and Heaven. Islamic scholars have attempted to reconcile this contradiction by suggesting that many of the women are only send to hell temporarily before being allowed in Heaven.
Joe Pass and Dizzy Gillespie at the Montreux Jazz Festival (1975)
Pixies - Where Is My Mind?
5 Dollar Fent Long
This guy has completely lost his freakin’ mind… 🤪
Casey Anthony on TikTok
Reminds me of that tragedy.
by the world’s richest villain to make us too stupid, stressed, and poor to fight back.
My Pap passed last Friday at 82. Here’s my dapper great uncle at 20 years old.
Just going to set this here
This guys voted for trump is and is about to lose his farm because Trump Freeze Inflation Reduction Act funds which make so government wasn't able to pay him the contract he needed.
Hectic, cirmos_macska, acrylic, 2023
Dunning Kruger Superstar, Victor Davis Hanson
Another accident ....😵
Police in Mississippi capture a hog
What kind of life is this that we have?
Science bro catching strays
Abrupt Elevator
Elevator surprise