Class is in session
All Hail Debuff Remover
Dynamo’sQuantum Entanglement
Can we have two maps?
Support role dead?
More jungle support
Did anyone know that Dynamo's ult affects guardians and walkers?
How do I change Github pages url?
If you had one ban, who would it be?
Enhanced Healing Concept
valve please never remove heavy melee cancelling from the game
hit masters real quick with fleet foot work tankko only
So i never pulled this off but canceling the E-Q Animation while Dodging Stun with Flash gotta be one of my new Favorite Ekko Moves
Audio issues with Audeze Maxwell
Please forgive me for my lake facts.
Would this game be better with more melee/melee defense options?
Remove the tint?
Man I like just about everything about the gooey boy, but then there's the freaking ball.
Statistically BEST Builds for all Heroes
Could they have thought of a less fun way to implement an ability steal mechanic (magician)?
Watch this if you hate Haze
Tell me your weirdest/niche builds - ideas also welcome