Do you see it?
The first day in his forever home
Follow up to the fork… which one?
Commute options from Park Mckinley West to BGC?
Books I’ve started reading but never finished. Anybody else do this?
Ever been a fan of someone but after they’ve done some bad things, you can’t seem to get yourself to watch them again?
The way my gf cooks eggs
Which one?
Just got prescribed this med at 5mg any success stories please
Best jobs for women with ADHD?
This map at a domestic airport shop
Thanks, I hate this map at a domestic airport shop.
Women available for SALE!?
You're kidnapped by the Mexican drug cartel and held hostage in some remote island. The characters from your last watched shows are coming to rescue you. How cooked you are?
For those with severe executive dysfunction have you found anything let you consistently start tasks you don't want to do?
Do most of you have a messy house / room?
I made good use of my embroidery hyperfixation and hand-embroidered some ladies!
A gentle reminder to all my adhd girlies to get up and wee right now.
What AI Tools Can Help Instructional Designers and Educators? 👨🏫
How does caffeine affect you?
Help me pick !!
When your work bag matches your purse which matches the pouch you keep inside your purse 😍
Body Doubling is Magic! 35 yo, struggled most of my life with really bad ADHD.
Day 3 of taking Adderall and really starting to dread taking it
Gladiator II - Review Thread