It’s 4:00am, we’re on our fifth wake up. Teething is hell.
Woke up to a cooked Logitech G735 cable
Cat scratches on fabric sofa
Is there anything I can do…
I didnt even knew the void boss item drops could give you R key this was literally the final boss pre delirium i was able to clear hush mother and deli
My win streak has hit rock bottom whilst trying to unlock rock bottom…
I feel like this room is a bit oddly shaped...
Feel heavy chest in evening
My girlfriend won’t stop playing the binding of Isaac
having a sick baby
night-time feedings etc. after c-section
What vitamins are good 6 months PP?
Itching/burning of healed scar?
Tips to stop pissing out of my ass?
how to calm yourself down?
IBS + Being a Mum = HELL
One Song You’d Love to See Live on Upcoming Tour
Anyone still have a pregnancy food aversion?
I found out my girlfriend shits in the shower what do i do?
Plenty of Pet Names
Let's talk tummy it really *that* necessary?
What’s your baby’s bedtime?
What was a name you were dead set on naming your baby but ended up not.
What's your least favorite pregnancy symptom?
What is a habit you quit after having a baby?