I still miss you
Dear fellow Taurus, don’t let someone’s lack of love change how you love. Period.
Assaulted over the weekend by my friend’s husband and I am feeling absolutely broken.
To the one I pushed away.
Biggest Lessons learned when Modelling from a Pointcloud base?
Is it wrong for me to be hurt if partner takes to social media to talk about our relationship?
Short hair Junseo
Just caught up and Alex seems sus and I get why Madison chased him
You go Alex! 👏🏼👏🏼
Madison is a manipulator
Is it me or does Alex look like temu harry jowsey ?
My (ex?) girlfriend ghosted me for six months and just texted me out of nowhere (29M 33F)
Who’s still friends with their ex?
Si-an & The Beast hate needs to be stopped
in all likelihood seeing my ex this weekend
Yes, it was a crowded Saturday…just wow
In need of advice
Sending flowers to my ex
If you’ve been broken up with, what could they have done to be kinder about it?
Why Do Hurt People Hurt Other People?
cara maria and marie 🫂
I (20M) want to be alone being in a relationship with my (20F). Have you ever had anything like this ?
I miss my ex girlfriend and I want to reach out again…
My wife (30) gave her number to a guy she was attracted to, what's next?
Taurus and taurus relationship gone horribly wrong