Extra wood pieces nailed inside window trim. What do these do / can I remove them? Pic inside
What are these small wooden pieces inside of the window frame? Can I remove them?
How are returnee seasons like All Stars and Game Changers not top tier seasons if they cast so many great characters? (haven't watched them yet and can't for a while)
Visited Buffalo for the first time today and it was an awesome city. Feel like it doesn’t get nearly enough love, even on here
Got a quote for a roof leak and it was $500 to repair or $8,000 for an entirely new roof. I asked cost of metal roof and he said same price. Huh?
Why did one local business tell me engineered hardwood is way more expensive, and the other local business tell me the opposite? Both gave quotes confirming this
Got a house with beat up deck, don’t know much about wood treatment. Any suggestions for how to make this look nice?
Does anyone have a guess why there is a small plywood ramp in this hallway / odds of hardwood floor underneath? 1890 house
Does anyone have a guess why there is a small plywood ramp in this hallway / odds of hardwood floor underneath? 1890 house (pic inside)
Found growing underneath a pile of very old wet leaves, wondering what they’ll grow up to be. Upstate NY
Watching SoPa for the first time and loving Brandon Hantz as such a sincere and unique character. Why doesn’t he get more love on here?
Found a bunch of these in a cabinet at work. Can’t peel it open so I don’t think it’s creamer and don’t want to stab it and waste it. Can’t tell what’s inside. Thoughts?
Racism in "the edit", old era vs new era, fandom, etc - do you think it's an issue?
Best bars? New to the area
Beat the game years ago, forgot what happened, and just booted it up again. The map is all undiscovered - did I start NG+ or does the game reset when you beat it or something?
Any advice on turning guitar chords into piano chords? They sound very "off" on piano
2 months in beginner. Looking For Feedback.
For those of you who moved from a major city to a more rural/suburban area - what differences did you notice in open mics?
I saw a video of a guy playing chords but only on the bottom few strings (like a D but he kept moving it down the neck and making very small adjustments). Any idea what chords are played like that?
Wondering what caused this wavy line. Starts and ends with a hole like it burrowed down, ran, then popped up (snow is a bit melted). Any guess?
If Letterboxd had a separate Four Favorites for TV shows, what would you have in yours?
Now that we voted for the worst possible Season 50 cast, what else can we vote for to make sure it's the worst season ever?
Beginner here - this is a vid of where I am vs where I want to be. Any suggestions for what I can search on YouTube to get to that next level?
I saw Matt in Columbus tonight and yelled out “what happened to the intros.. “ after he left the stage.