I painted my first Pokémon today😋
(18) fuck me in your car
(21m) my ass look really good here
1 Month of Premium 27 Days to succeed.
Rare Pokemon Thread; Post The Rarest Pokemon Currently In Your Collection
LF: Shiny Event groudon and offers
Which of these has the best face
I don’t understand science
Just got Rainbow Six Siege for my PS5 I’m very much looking to play competitively. Is there anyone that can help me?
So I restarted Pokémon Shield tonight & my first encounter on the route is a FULL ODDS SHINY LOTAD 😭 it’s my first full odds shiny wild encounter since my first ever play through of my first ever Pokémon game in 2008. I’m so happy rn 😍✨
Shiny Galarian Zapdos, I willing to trade any legendary shiny?
What's the point in looking for Pokemon that can't exist on the GTS?
I’m infatuated with RG
Were you trapped by my fat ass? 🍑
only react if you’d fuck me raw <3
Bedrock Survival Realm
Moony tiny stupid brain
shenanigans on tonights stream 🤣🤣 #rainbow6siege #frost #jaeger #caviera #ubisofte3
Rainbow Six Siege Moments where he actually did fairly well
fucking pennywise