If you suddenly had billions of dollars, how would you spend it toward changing the world?
what’s your life like? how did you find your peace?
How do you cope with the fear of running out of time before achieving your dreams?
What's the central premise of Nonviolent Communication?
How do i stop enjoying violence?
Flicker Free High CRI Neutral White (3500k) Light Bulbs
Current neuroscience views on the brain re sensations/emotions
Feelings ‘caused’ by actions/events/situations
Care as a need
Comparisons that can stimulate self-defense and counterattack
What is spirituality?
Brainstorming Requests
The "No one can make you feel anything" Concept.
Exercise or practice area to focus on?
“sorry if you feel like I did” [seeking advice]
Open communication
Why does my office copier require a code that's longer than the Enterprise self destruct authorization?
Carl Rogers' Definition of Empathy
Catalytic Questions + NVC
Empathy for accusations
Friendship Obligation
The Three Elements of Compassion
I built a simple app to practice NVC and get AI feedback
Friend dumped me over telling her how I felt. Is the secret to long friendships to just keep it bottled up inside?