KORRA WON!! Next up: mostly disliked protagonist
It was a close one between Babs and Ginger, but Ginger wins by exactly one point more! Ok, who’s the best character in Shrek?
(Loved Trope) When a Beautiful lady does a goofy expression
We all owe bro a huge apology
batman got his name due to his fear of bats. using that same logic, what would your superhero name be?
When there's a wacky cast of characters in a mostly human setting and the humans barely care or don't care at all that they're not human
Super Mario Odyssey won Super Mario 64. What is the best Mario game? Day 5
Character’s catchphrase is said in a sad context
Characters who are just hallucinations
Chel wins favourite character from road to el dorado! (One character only rule, sorry) anyways who’s the best chicken run character?
I’m just curious, why is Oscar hated?
Unpopular opinion: I actually love the Red Sky seasons.
A legend to the people in their universe. In reality, a complete fraud…
Moses wins favourite character from the prince of Egypt! Now tell me, who’s your favourite from the road to el dorado?
When an intentionally campy series gets rebooted to be dark and gritty
Designed for evil, ended up being good (for one reason or another)
Weaver won the vote for favourite character from antz! Ok, who’s your favourite character from the prince of Egypt?
Fans of either, where you at??
Characters who take their mundane jobs way too seriously
Characters whose last names are just what animals they are
What species are Ren and Stimpy? (Wrong answers only)😸🐶
Character who is just a random guy that got involved in the insanity by just happening to be near the main character(s).
[Hated tropes] When the story claims that an attractive character is actually ugly
Let’s fill this in! (Originally not made by me) who’s your favorite antz character? The one with the most votes will be filled in.
Good thing they added the cape and cowl