Favorite character who’s grumpy all the time?
Avengers Doomsday leaked photos!!
What do you think of this?
Suck it, Disney.
"I had no idea that was them" performances
THE definitive voice actor for their respective character.
Happiness energy (by ZeroneKora)
What band/musician/song is this?
What song does this make you think of?
I am Tokoyami , ask me any questions I’ll answer , except questions that are related to Emo stuff ( I AM NOT EMO 😭)
Just stop Kevin
What’s gonna happen to Jax? (Wrong Answers Only)
Let’s keep it going.
I so hope I'm right
Floppy war (by Danielfs2002_)
Better luck next time (by sevi_fuk)
If he want too old, who would you cast him as?
Should I buy it?
Sandwich (by ZeroneKora)
Get used to it T1K
Comforted at your lowest (by milishakk)
Lego Dave Blunts
Characters that have many Children too many in fact
Still one of my favorite fourth wall breaks in the show.