Gey night out -anyone wanna join?
People who know a pornstar in real life, what's that like?
Ok so how do I tell people im not interested in hooking up with them nicely without this happening?
Ready for the weekend
Happy Friday gay bros
Is cashback a thing still?
Road at the bottom of Hockley closed
Looking for jobs
I feel gross being attracted to younger.
Do guys dislike long hair?
How old are you and would you date a 26 year old?
Armed and gay.
Places in Nottingham…
Ava point on sovereignty
A ****ing Con
Poor Alan thought that Trump would be pro-police.
Happy flex Friday
Visiting the baltics
Singles, what are you gonna do for February 14?
Trip to the balkans
26, 6ft about 89kg 1.5 years of consistency
Grinder ad blocker
Homophobic migrants
Change my mind
Gay Conservatives . Are you serious ?