How long did it take to learn maya?
Игровая импотенция?
Help with UV mapping
Guys is this model game ready!!
what does being overstimulated mean?
You can only listen to one musician for the rest of your life. Who is it?
I am a sentient plastic toy that can last forever, and I wish I wasn’t my owner’s favourite.
My coworker never struck me as very misogynistic, so I was surprised when he told me to smile for him.
I'm looking for the best written and most immersive RPGs. Mature writing for mature people, with no quips that belong in Marvel films if it can be helped.
What's everyone's opinion on the Dalai Lama?
Angående bojkottningen av matjättarna
How would someone figure out if they’re being stalked?
How do people get efficient, non-distorted UVs?
Jigsaw has suspended you above a meat grinder. You need to win an auric maelstrom with randoms to save your life. What build/weapons are you bringing?
I didn't know why Blender kept crashing until I turned wireframe on
This game literally has the worst controls ever.
Should i keep learning or stop it? Feeling demotivated
What map would you consider the least fun to play?
Does anyone play through Xbox app and have mods installed? How do you do this?
Since theres a male dating crisis is there also a female one?
My autistic girlfriend never asks how I’m doing and it’s making me feel unloved.
2D artists who were forced into 3D in recent times. How bad or good is compared to 2D art?
What's the most difficult part of gamedev for you?
"Thank you for rescuing me, Mario!" - Princess Peach | prepping it for 3D printing!
How to make a low-poly mesh from a high-poly one?