Why is he making that face?
AK-74 Useless?
RDRO Join My Posse :D
Why are condoms so damn expensive
I don't like the gay hookup culture. Is that okay?
Doing a rewatch of the 3 seasons of Santa Clarita Diet and I still can't believe Netflix cancelled the show.
Why are Poison/Acid so bad?
Fire Emblem Engage is almost one year old, so what did you think about it in retrospect? And how do you think it compares to 3 Houses?
Ella Purnell's eyes
Peri. Now hear me out.
Which Romance was your favorite and least favorite
Anyone else prefer a less flashy looking V? Here's my current low down bounty hunter look
I quit weed for 5 months to improve things but idk
Is it true that Wrecking Ball gets trash talked even though the ball main is good?
What are your thoughts on venture?
“POSSIBLE SPOILERS!” Dragons plague is to harsh of a punishment for using a game mechanic
I slept with a married guy and feel guilty about not feeling guilty
Do i keep going?
Can someone explain why the Abby and Owen sex scene is so criticised?
The Overwatch Season 9 Rank Reset is complete bullshit
Whats your worst honor mode loss?
I know it's coming but I'm not ready for it...
Is beastmaster a weak class?
Literally me
Where to find cute dresses?