Which underrated DC villain would you erase from DC Comics?
The puppets from Papa Meat/MeatCanyon (brought to life by KreatureKid)
[Hated tropes] When the story claims that an attractive character is actually ugly
They don't even deserve him
This has to be the best satire of a Synder fan, and people think it’s real lol
Spitting facts
Keanu Reeves has been inducted into the Green Lantern Corps! What living person is worthy of the Sinestro Corps? (No convicted criminals)
Guys I think We need to talk abt this guy I’m act low key worried abt him
Which celebrity would be most similar to Chloe?
DC x Marvel Amalgam Day 24: Who would you combine with Captain Atom (Most commented character gets chosen, no one can be chosen twice) (Most powerful power couple ever) (Do you guys want another batch)
The immortal really can't do shit other than take Ls
These people make me sick
LOL what do you think
DC x Marvel Amalgam Day 22/23: Who would you combine with Mister Miracle and Big Barda (Most commented character gets chosen, no one can be chosen twice) (Most powerful power couple ever) (A little catchup, this definitely wasn't planned, who said that)
[Comic Excerpt] Legion of Zoom [The Flash #760]
Oh snyder cult. I can never stay mad at you
How do you guys tell the difference between "fascist punches" and "democratic killings", if you don't mind me asking?
Do you like a cynical superman or a jolly one?
DC x Marvel Amalgam Day 21: Who would you combine with Firestorm (Most commented character gets chosen, no one can be chosen twice) (Two people, one body, two suggestions, one post)
There are some major casting surprises in SUPERMAN, and one of them is most likely Jor-El
Who do you ship Mirko with
Oh no...
boss baby won! who is a *universally despised* protagonist?
Please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks this is kinda dumb
DC x Marvel Amalgam Day 20: Who would you combine with Doctor Fate (Most commented character gets chosen, no one can be chosen twice) (Not Doctor Strange, Please)