What would y’all say is the minimum age someone could watch invincible
Pretend that we are in the timeline DC release a hero shooter game instead of Marvel
I love my Vanguard players tho
What does my top 5 say about me?
Give Overhaul a new Villain name.
Having a fever doesn’t stop me from cooking
Zatanna in Superman#18! What Do You Thought about the Story?
What is everyone’s best round?
The Thing or something
If you could Add or Change anything about My Hero Academia what would it be.
Who is in your JL roster and why?
Would this be a Great relationship for peter?
Who Is Coming To Save You?
Give me any character and I’ll explain how SJW loses to them
Who’s a character that could humble egotistical all for one ?
Who would you want Jack Black to play in the MCU?
"Bridget (Guilty Gear X) Character GIFs"
Realistically speaking, what brands are not connected to Fortnite? Image is outdated.
Could invincible beat all for one
Name a character with zero anti-feats
Miles Morales (composite) vs Deku (anime & manga)
What are Your Favorite Non-Dc and Non-Marvel Heroes?