Elizabeth Shue, 1990s
Is finishing college worth it?
What's a film you wish you could watch for the first time again?
His favourite place to watch me when I shower
Carmen Electra 1998
Favourite Michael Douglas movie ?
Can you go to college in your late 20s ?
Name a film where the soundtrack is as iconic as the movie itself.
Double or nothing
Ella Purnell
Who’s the voidlette in the looking glass
What's your favorite film that doesn't try to be anything more than what it embraces itself as?
songs about having depression or just like the most gut wrenching saddest songs you know
What is the first film that pops into your head when you see Harrison Ford?
Anyone else love Just Shoot Me?
A movie where someone makes a lot of money
Which actor had the worst accent in a film?
She owns this place. Period.
What’s a red flag in a job listing that people should never ignore?
Just this little guy from the shelter yesterday
Is it only me who hates turning on the camera during Zoom meetings?
What is the first film that pops into your head when you see Al Pacino?
What sitcom hit the ground running with the first episode?
Looking for a detective movie that feels like Se7en or Zodiac.
I don't always pose like this, but when I do my mom takes a picture