Why do many of the Christian contestants oppose LGBT rights but have no issue with pre marital sex?
“AIO. Couple’s spa massage
If you're going to pull out in front of me...
Women of reddit, would you be okay with marrying "the perfect guy" if he can't work?
Anyone want more sex than their bf/husband?
What’s one “type” you’ll never date again?
Would you adopt if you couldn’t have children naturally? Or would opt for a surrogate if money was not a concern?
Men who ask for your number before your name
AIO my boyfriend ruined our 5 year anniversary by masturbating
How do you pronounce Jana?
Do people generally not leave their toaster out on the kitchen counter?
Calling Women Girls when talking about them? (Does this irk you?)
What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve been told you "shouldn’t do" because you’re a woman?
Not Jessica, then Lucy, then…?👀🙄😆
Anyone hear anything back from NHSC/HRSA LRP?
In what way have you been proud of yourself recently?
Unpopular opinion: Jessica’s speech should not have been #1 moment in LIB history
Opinion about lauren
Every engagement that’s ever been cut from Love Is Blind, and what happened with the couple
Is it weird to have a threesome with couple older by 20 years? I'm 19
Women, how did you get over the feeling that your man is reciprocating going down because you had to really say it’s important for you?
Who do you still follow on social media?
Guys with extremely loud vehicles, why do you do this to everyone?
If you were a food, what would you be? And why 🍽️
What’s an unwritten rule about dating that you swear by?