Sometimes in ranked I feel like I should loose in those situations
I just came back to the game yesterday after 2 months and I missed a rune of gold. Is there any way to get it
This map in ranked is even more difficult than hockey
Hot take but I don't think we will get any new characters
You can see Finx's face (kinda?)
Big W from them, removing that cringy ass AI voice with real Brawl Stars music
Can't wait for that one guy in reddit who says that streaks are not there to get 3K upvote on his post
Clancy and Griff mains after the Brawl Talk (they got no skin or hypercharge for them and have to wait another 2 months to have a chance to get something new)
Now we actually have cool skin that are actually better than there ultras form
Are there people who actually got this update?
Stop the hate about the ranked pass and forgive them because of this change that will be way helpful for our mind in ranked.
Guys hear me out remember that poppy flower gas in the end of chapter 4? Well what if in the beginning of chapter 5 we will be sleeping and then we will dream about us in the past so that we can actually see what's the player's past and his identity
Guys if Mortis win this vote imma laugh so hard please make this happen.
This is just a mythic brawler for 15 bucks. No gold, no gems like every early access offer.
Chat am I safe now?
Ah yes, 5 power points. How GENEROUS they are.
I definitely can't wait tomorrow for someone posting those kind of posts in the sub.
Why, just why
Someone, call Cordelius
One is horrible, the other one is boring as hell.
Work-in-progress balance changes for Clash Royale - January 2025 Season 67 RoyaleAPI
So what's the game is telling me with that spray?
Man, go fuck yourself supercell
Now I can sleep
Okay guys, who's gonna tell him?