2 tapu Koko raids add 800964715150
2 tapu Kojo raids add 800964715150
Should i use a maxed out Blastoise for dynamax Raikou?
I need friends to grind xp and join raids-add me 297640845469
Will 6 Excadrill 2k cp be enough to defeat Dynamax Raikou
How do u do this (no head) and what are those eyes. Someone told me how to do IT but i don't remember.
69 freakin shinies for my first ever go fest… just wow
Is this pokemon rare?
Be careful not to choke on your aspirations, director.
[H]paramount+ without showtime. [W] crunchyroll and [W] $3/month.
Shiny odds 75% confirmed
Failing purchases
Does anybody else have a collection of the event pikachus?