Are you concerned about a war in the near future and what do you think will happen Ireland in it?
How do y'all manage to get a neurotypical girlfriend?
How do you know whether you're being condescending or someone is insecure?
What Autism Feels Like
I’ve noticed lots of people dislike me before I even talk
Do You Trust Romantic Relationships?
How do so get better at coping with noises?
Im not a genius
You can either be right, or popular.
Is anybody else afraid of getting "actually" diagnosed?
Is it better to try and date aspie women or neurotypical women for a 21M aspie man
How do you cope with the fact that the world is rapidly going to shit?
I miss the woman that cut my hair yesterday morning.
Is the stereotype true that people with Asperger's are very naïve/gullible and don't have any concept of emotional nuance? At what point can one expect to grow out of this, if at all?
We’re not built for this world.
Does Socialism Make Sense To You?
Why is it suddenly cool to have autism???!!!
I’m attractive, and I will still probably never be loved—because I’m autistic.
Does anyone else called you priviliged for your race or gender without knowing you have asperger?
I suppose this is the kind of post that needs to stay in an autism subreddit.
Weird with empathy
Its my 30th birthday on Monday
Does Anyone Else Have A Complicated Relationship With Women?
Letting go
I feel so worthless