Do you think Kessler can prevent cate from controlling Butcher's mind?
Who would win in a fight?
Out of these characters, who do you think is the most evil?
A-train vs spider-man who wins?
Who is the strongest character from both Marvel and DC that Conquest could defeat?
Who is the strongest MCU Superhero that Conquest could beat in a fight?
What are some things the show has done better than the comic so far?
Which of the antagonists in Red Dead Redemption 2 did you like the most?
Could Spidey protect you in the world of your last played game?
To be honest. I felt bad for Tv show Conquest, he just needs a friend or something to vent his anger to
Who do you think is the second richest member of The Seven, and what is their net worth?
Battle beast in a maid dress
Who would win in a death battle? Both fighting to the death
Would you be interested in a new Captain America movie featuring Wolverine after the MCU reboot?
Do you think CJ ever got married?
How many years do you think he could live before succumbing to old age?
I wonder what was powerful enough to scar him and make him lose an arm
Did vought hq spoilers ruin season 4 for you?
Jeffrey dean morgan what a great pick as Conquest such an unhinged character.
I think I miss my wife
Sinister Freaky (by me)
Returning to the unwinnable war, what is your favorite variant?
Is he cooked or Nah?
What is your favorite Thor quote?