started the morning with a bang… nothing since.
any advice on how to stop binge eating?
Be honest, what's actually holding you back from living your best life?
walmart batches?
a dog from the devil.
i’ve made $8 this week.
can you get permanently deferred?
what kind of acne is this? why does nothing work?
just got my xcel energy bill
overeating / cheating once a week?
why do i only get good orders on sundays
why can you only thank some people and not others?
accutane for a 3rd time…?
was fired from my job for needing treatment
Finally home in my body :’) Nonbinary/femme radical reduction 1MPO
non flat top surgery / radical reduction in Türkiye: DD to A cup 1dpo (before/after, agender, nonbinary)
This happening to anyone else today?!
my wbc count is 2.4
what’s a normal folic acid level?
nighttime snacking
we have his big open wall in our house. what should we put here?
an acquaintance i used to do gymnastics with is REALLY sick... i reached out last night.
what to do…