Random encounters map.
What language do Cumans speak in KCD? Is it real? Or is it fictional?
Everyone hated Far Cry 4 and said it was literally reskin of Far Cry 3. But then they began to love it and idolize it when Far Cry 5 came out. Everyone hated Far Cry 5 in the year it was released, but began to appreciate and love it now that Far Cry 6 came out. Why? Pagan Min has an explanation.
I was so impressed with the character and exterior visual design of a robot who accidentally found its identity and personality that I bought Borderlands 3 earlier this year. It was worth it.
You kicked me pretty good
Call Of Dude [CoD3]
Modern armor for modern threats. A hypothetical situation.
German Trench
Mud and blood... Definitely a lot of both
My favorite FarCry New Dawn Fit.
Older clip, I wonder if they fixed it ^^
My guys arm is a bit broken🙃
If the carpenter's hatchet had a blade half as wide, it'd be a perfect example of the Spanish trade tomahawk and Khazar/Alan battle axe (which technically and historically is the same thing).
Most useless, forgettable NPC? Anyone even remember her name?
Why’s sayla making this face (wrong answers)
Finished Three More ~ A Blend of Spathion and Paramerion.
What a relief.
what is a frostbite 🗿
Don't know if this was noted before, but this picture at the Lodge is a literal copy of the photo of Sir Edmund Hillary (famous mountaneer).
This Sword was given to me as a Tip.
Alexios is not great at showing emotion or empathy, but this facial expression is as compassionate as it gets.
Every time I look at a tomahawk, I think of a Khazar/Alan battle axe (chekan). (They in fact are, if not the same, then at least related things).
How much armour can a bowman comfortably wear?
Face on this add looks exactly like BadComedian (russian movie critic blogger)