American Airlines flight crashes into helicopter over Washington DC tonight
What is the most overrated food you're convinced people are just pretending to enjoy?
This is some good shit
Whats ONE thing you'd change about youself? JUST ONE
What’s something small that always manages to put you in a good mood?
What will you never ever do again in your lifetime?
If you had one wish what would it be?
People who don't want children what is your biggest reasons?
[oc] They didn't even stop!
[Insignia NS-DCDCHH2] They didn't stop!
Just some Ohio birds!
Did you know there's a mini Ohio inside of Ohio
DAE have a weird relationship with eggs?
What’s a food from your childhood that you still crave today?
What’s your addiction that isn’t illegal or sexual in nature.
What Does a Perfect Day Look Like for an Introvert?
Coke or Pepsi?
Assessed for fit, outright rejected
I pick him up tomorrow. I like people names.
Hard of hearing /Friends / relationships
What kind of person do you think I am
First painting I actually liked and lots of learning still to do.
Bought a tiny home, now what!
How do introverts find date ?