Does anyone know a way to play SSA on PC?
My opinions on the Mainline games
I get the hate for Brussel sprouts though
Characters with in universe reputation as "the strongest". Could be true or fals
Here are all the skylanders I’ve gotten for free from friends.
I have a chompy mage, last sold on eBay for 550$, Really?
Blue tree rex. I remember everyone wanted him so bad as a kid.
Just found some of my old Skylanders!
Pep the collection
Hot take: Flip Wreck is just a better Chop Chop (moveset Wise, not design wise)
I managed to get all four of these figures together + Sunburn!
Character's name doesn't match their personality or traits
What's your first and most recent skylander
Humans Turned Gods
What character designs do you think look WAY better when put alongside someone else?
I like how Flynn MANUALLY SAWED OFF the railing on his Ship for the Skylanders between Console and 3DS Games,
Characters clearly inspired/pay homage to another character/series but still distinct enough to not be a blatant copy
Losercity PETA
Do I have any rare figures?
What is the difference between these 2 tree Rex? One has blue eyes and the others are clear
Skylander Haul !
Imaginators for the switch
Friends with very different personalities
Team, I think I cooked…