Steam says failed to initialize when trying to start dsr
Are my boyfriend (19M) and I (20F) too young to think about marriage?
Rate my builds
Best expert mode experience
What should I do after get full titanium?
Mimic farming tips?
Having trouble with mech bosses
Need help getting my gear back
Build ideas?
Favorite Melee Weapons
Book of Mages: The Dark Times | Another game from the golden ages of Flash Games. Story, Action, and Strategy
Game crashing as I go through Pitt gate
Frank Horrigan is just built different
Pitt keeps crashing in TTW
The only way that worked for me
April - Question 1
Older cat keeps hurting my kitten
Is it sacrilegious to get a Jesus or Mary tattoo?
Do you use the Augur Of Ebrietas during your playthrough.
How it’s been going…
Having a problem with Ordinator and arcane accessories.
RNG is the real boss in bloodborne…
Helping. Anywhere.
Lore wise how powerful (strength, Speed, endurance) is the Good Hunter
What mental benefits have you noticed since going porn free?